
Terry Losansky is a software engineer, living in Snoqualmie, Washington. Past and present interests include martial arts, wine, travel, scuba instruction, sailing, baking, and home construction.

It’s ok to be selfish

“Being selfish is wrong!”, you say. Sure, I agree in some cases it may be wrong. For example, Selfishness that hurts others is bad. A valid point. Selfishness for selfcare is good. Let me explain how being a little selfish is healthy. First some context. For more than fifteen years I was a primary caretaker

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The Lollygag Affect

I have been a remote working, virtual worker, and sometimes digital nomad, for more than two decades. While I have had periodic stints “in the office”, I find I am more productive in a quiet, solitary space away from the cube-farm of Big Office. To maintain productivity, however, requires discipline and communication. To be doing

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