After about a ten year break, and many life changes, I should renew my efforts and interests on my personal web site. It is a fresh start. New thoughts, comments, links, and observations.
Day one:
Today I begin to explore WordPress for content management. Previously, I had only given WP minimal efforts. This is an opportunity to expand my skill set. Expect changes with time, mistakes, and likely some failures to learn from. Follow along for your amusement.
My development skills encompass database design and back-end systems interfaces. I play with information and data and metrics, not pretty user interfaces. Building and maintaining this site is a method to add to my skill stack. it gives me insight and perspective I don’t normally consider when writing complex database queries or munging data from API calls.
Today is a start. More to come.
Hi, this is a comment.
Yes, this is, or was, the default WordPress comment. Now that I have taken control it will remain here, forever, edited.